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#!/usr/bin/env retro
# Export as HTML
This tool processes the code in Unu code blocks, generating HTML
output. It assumes that a CSS file will be used to style the
results. A sample CSS is included at the end.
# Code
I include my `unu` file processor here as it makes it easy to
process the relevant lines from the source file.
Some characters need to be escaped. The `:put-html` words will
be used to handle these.
$< [ '&lt; s:put ] case
$> [ '&gt; s:put ] case
$& [ '&amp; s:put ] case
ASCII:SPACE [ '&nbsp; s:put ] case
c:put ;
:s:put-html [ c:put-html ] s:for-each ;
:span '<span_class='text'> s:put s:put-html '</span> s:put ;
'Fenced var
:toggle-fence @Fenced not !Fenced ;
:fenced? (-f) @Fenced ;
:handle-line (s-)
fenced? [ over call ] [ span '<br> s:put nl ] choose ;
:unu (sq-)
swap [ dup '~~~ s:eq?
[ toggle-fence s:put '<br> s:put nl ]
[ handle-line ] choose
] file:for-each-line drop ;
Formatting is pretty straightforward. I have a `span` word to
generate the HTML for the token, and a `format` word to identify
the token type and use `span`.
:span '<span_class=' s:put s:put ''> s:put s:put-html '</span> s:put ;
:format (s-)
dup s:length n:zero? [ drop ] if;
dup fetch
$: [ 'colon span ] case
$( [ 'comment span ] case
$' [ 'string span ] case
$# [ 'number span ] case
$& [ 'pointer span ] case
$$ [ 'character span ] case
$` [ 'inst span ] case
$| [ 'defer span ] case
$@ [ 'fetch span ] case
$! [ 'store span ] case
drop dup
d:lookup d:class fetch
&class:macro [ 'immediate span ] case
&class:primitive [ 'primitive span ] case
s:put '&nbsp; s:put ;
The remaining bits are just to generate the header, and then
process each line through the `format` word.
'<!DOCTYPE_html> s:put nl
'<link_rel='stylesheet'_href='/retro-export.css'> s:put nl
#0 sys:argv
[ ASCII:SPACE s:tokenize [ format '&nbsp; s:put ] array:for-each
'<br> s:put nl ] unu
* {
background: #111;
color: #44dd44;
font-family: monospace;
.text {
color: white;
.colon {
color: red;
.comment {
color: #888;
.string {
color: yellow;
.number {
color: cyan;
.pointer {
color: mediumorchid;
.fetch {
color: orchid;
.store {
color: orchid;
.character {
color: brown;
.inst {
color: tomato;
.defer {
color: #888;
.immediate {
color: orange;
.primitive {
color: greenyellow;