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<p><span class="h1">Sockets</span>
On Unix hosts, RETRO provides an optional set of words for using
network sockets.
To create a new socket, just run:
<tt class='indentedcode'>socket:create</tt>
This will return a socket handle.
To bind to a port, pass the port number and socket handle
to <span class="tt">socket:bind</span>. The port should be a string. This will return
0 if successful, -1 if not successful, and an error code.
<tt class='indentedcode'>'9998&nbsp;@Sock&nbsp;socket:bind</tt>
To prepare a socket for incoming connections use socket:listen. This
will take a backlog count and a socket handle. It returns a flag
(0 success, -1 failed) and an error code.
<tt class='indentedcode'>#3&nbsp;@Sock&nbsp;socket:listen</tt>
To accept connections pass the socket handle to <span class="tt">socket:accept</span>.
This returns a new socket for the connection and an error code.
<tt class='indentedcode'>@Sock&nbsp;socket:accept</tt>
To connect to a server using the socket:
<tt class='indentedcode'>';'70&nbsp;socket:configure</tt>
<tt class='indentedcode'>@Sock&nbsp;socket:connect</tt>
<span class="tt">socket:connect</span> will return a status code and an error code.
To write a string to a socket, use <span class="tt">socket:send</span>. This will
take a string and a socket handle and will return the number
of bytes sent and an error code.
<tt class='indentedcode'>'test&nbsp;@Sock&nbsp;socket:send</tt>
To read data from a socket pass an address, a maximum number of
bytes, and the socket handle to <span class="tt">socket:recv</span>. This will return
the number of bytes received and an error code. The bytes will
be stored in memory starting at the specified address.
<tt class='indentedcode'>here&nbsp;#1024&nbsp;@Sock&nbsp;socket:recv</tt>
To close a socket, pass the socket handle to <span class="tt">socket:close</span>.
<tt class='indentedcode'>@Socket&nbsp;socket:close</tt>