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Notes on Graphica (June 30 2024)
Graphica is the name of the graphics extension for ilo. In the
Konilo system, this is in the `g:` namespace, and can be loaded
with either:
* g
'(g) needs
- Level 0: is functional on ilo+x11 in an internal, unreleased
build. This is projected to be published in early July.
- Level 1: we've implemented the functions (for 1bpp) but have
not tied them all into the ilo+x11 vm yet. Work on the 2, 4,
and 8bpp modes has been done. We expect to have this by the
end of July.
- Level 2: parts of this have been implemented in test code. It
is expected to follow shortly after level 1 is complete (and
may be merged into level 1 prior to that?)
- Level 3: no timeline for starting this yet, though some
preliminary experiments towards it have been written.
Architectural Notes
- graphics memory is separate from the addressable ilo memory.
- the functionality is divided into a few general levels, with
increasing host requirements & complexity
- drawing operations take in points, which pack the x,y
coordinates into a single value
- Level 0 is slow due to routing all drawing through the pixel
draw word. Level 1 will have VM support for more optimal
drawing and will be significantly faster.
- display resolutions being targetted initially are:
- 320x240
- 640x384 (* this is the res. I am mostly using internally)
- 640x480
- 800x600
- 360x360
- 720x720
Level 0
- 1 bit per pixel (black/white)
- Konilo vocabulary:
g:query/level (-n)
g:query/colors (-n)
g:query/font (-hw)
g:query/screen (-hw)
g:set-color (n-)
g:point (xy-p)
g:unpoint (p-xy)
g:pixel (p-)
g:get-pixel (p-n)
g:clear (-)
g:hline (pw-)
g:vline (ph-)
g:line (pp-)
g:rect (pp-)
g:circle (pr-)
g:triangle (ppp-)
Level 1
- 2, 4, and 8 bit per pixel (4, 16, and 256 color)
- user defined color palette (using RRGGBB values)
- Konilo words:
g:set-palette (a-)
g:get-palette (a-)
- VM support for:
g:clear (-)
g:hline (pw-)
g:vline (ph-)
g:line (pp-)
g:rect (pp-)
g:circle (pr-)
g:triangle (ppp-)
- Notes:
- Palettes
- Konilo array, with 1 entry per color
- default palette will be setup to emulate CGA (2bpp) or
VGA (4 or 8bpp; colors outside the first 16 will be set
to 0 by default)
- Arland expects to provide several loadable palettes
Level 2
- Konilo words:
g:set-foreground (n-) (alias to g:set-color)
g:set-background (n-) (for fill operations)
g:fill (p)
g:rect/filled (pp-)
g:circle/filled (pr-)
g:triangle/filled (ppp-)
Level 3:
- Konilo words:
g:polygon (ap-)
g:polygon/filled (ap-)
g:scene (ap-)
- Notes:
- scenes are stored as an array of points and drawing
commands, with the drawing being done relative to a
provided starting point. the exact format is still being
- polygons are arrays of points, with lines being drawn
between each point
- the polygon portion of this might get folded into level 2
- the loading process will probably use `g:query/level` to
select between level 0 & level 1 implementations at load time.
- To be determined.
- We are looking at 3D, non-palette based colors, and sprites
- 3D references:
- https://www.cs.drexel.edu/~deb39/
- https://www.drdobbs.com/architecture-and-design/
Implementation Details:
The Graphica extension is assigned to device id #12. Pass the
required parameters, operation id, and device number to the
`io` instruction.
| ID # | Level | Stack Use | Action |
| 0 | 0 | -n | return graphica level |
| 1 | 0 | -n | return num of supported colors |
| 2 | 0 | -hw | return font height, width |
| 3 | 0 | -hw | return display height, width |
| 4 | 0 | n- | set the pixel color for drawing |
| 5 | 0 | p- | draw a pixel at p |
| 6 | 0 | p-n | return the color of pixel at p |
| 7 | 1 | - | clear the display |
| 8 | 1 | pw- | draw a horizontal line w wide |
| 9 | 1 | ph- | draw a vertical line h high |
| 10 | 1 | pp- | draw a line between two points |
| 11 | 1 | pp- | draw a rectangle |
| 12 | 1 | pr- | draw a radius r circle at center p|
| 13 | 1 | ppp- | draw a triangle |
| 14 | 1 | a- | set palette to colors in array a |
| 15 | 1 | a- | store current palette in array a |
| 16 | 2 | n- | set foreground color |
| 17 | 2 | n- | set background color |
| 18 | 2 | p- | fill area around p w/background, |
| | | | stopping when foreground is found |
| 19 | 2 | pp- | draw a filled rectangle |
| 20 | 2 | pr- | draw a filled circle |
| 21 | 2 | ppp- | draw a filled triangle |
| 22 | 3 | a- | draw a polygon. a is an array of |
| | | | points |
| 23 | 3 | a- | draw a filled polygon. a is an |
| | | | array of points |
| 24 | 3 | ap- | draw a scene using point p as the |
| | | | origin (top left) |
The x, y coordinates are packed into a single cell to
keep overall stack structure cleaner. These can be unpacked
as needed by the drawing words (level 0) or graphica device
(levels 1+)
:g:point (xy-p) [ #16 shift-left ] dip or ;
:g:unpoint (p-xy) [ #16 shift-right ] [ #65535 and ] bi ;
Consider: adding a sigil for defining points as something like
may be useful? will be discussing this w/Arland soon
Note: we've explored leaving just the coordinates on the stack
in the prototypes, but ultimately decided that using a
point structure was better for our needs.
Note: it might be worth looking at changing the points to
also pack in a z coordinate for future 3D support? (this
would be ignored/unused for 2D operations)
- a simple turtle style drawing vocabulary has been written
using this, as has a vocabulary for formula generated art
- in the prior experiments we have also implemented a few
visual programs (paint, conway's life, a mandebrot viewer,
and dice simulator) which we plan to update to work with
the final implementation. This will likely be in the fall of
Related, but external parts to be covered by other extensions:
- realtime keyboard state
- mouse / pointer state