#!/bin/sh # PROVIDE: homeassistant # REQUIRE: DAEMON NETWORKING # KEYWORD: shutdown # Version 20240323 # # homeassistant_enable: Enable the Home Assistant service # Required: Yes # Default: "NO" # # homeassistant_environment: Path to where you have installed Home Assistant Core # Required: Yes # Default: "" # This needs to provide a path to the Python virtual environment # where you have installed Home Assistant Core # # homeassistant_user: The user that will run Home Assistant Core # Required: No # Default: "homeassistant" # # homeassistant_group: The group that will run Home Assistant Core # Required: No # Default: "homeassistant" # # homeassistant_log_folder: Where Home Assistant Core will store logs # Required: Yes # Default: "/var/log/homeassistant/" # # homeassistant_config_folder: Where Home Assistant Core stores config files and database # Required: Yes # Default: "/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant" # # homeassistant_run_options: Other flags to pass to Home Assistant Core # Required: No # Default: "" # Any flags that can be passed to `hass` go here. Examples include: # - `--verbose` to enable verbose logging # Note: `--ignore-os-check`, --log-file`, and `--config` are already passed. . /etc/rc.subr name="homeassistant" rcvar=homeassistant_enable load_rc_config $name : ${homeassistant_enable:="NO"} : ${homeassistant_environment:=""} : ${homeassistant_user:="homeassistant"} : ${homeassistant_group:="homeassistant"} : ${homeassistant_log_folder="/var/log/homeassistant"} : ${homeassistant_config_folder="/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant"} : ${homeassistant_run_options=""} pid_directory=/var/run/homeassistant pidfile="${pid_directory}/${name}_child.pid" ppidfile="${pid_directory}/${name}_daemon.pid" homeassistant_command="${homeassistant_environment}/bin/python ${homeassistant_environment}/bin/hass" command="/usr/sbin/daemon" procname="${homeassistant_environment}/bin/python" procname_args="${homeassistant_environment}/bin/hass --ignore-os-check --config=${homeassistant_config_folder} --log-file=${homeassistant_log_folder}/homeassistant-daemon.log" command_args="-p ${pidfile} -P ${ppidfile} -f -r ${procname} ${procname_args} ${homeassistant_run_options} ${rc_flags}" start_precmd="${name}_prestart" homeassistant_prestart() { # Check if PIF directory exists if [ ! -d ${pid_directory} ]; then install -d -o ${homeassistant_user} ${pid_directory} fi # Check that the log folder exists if [ ! -e ${homeassistant_log_folder} ]; then install -d -o ${homeassistant_user} -g ${homeassistant_group} -m 760 ${homeassistant_log_folder} fi # Check if the HA env variable has been set if [ -z ${homeassistant_environment} ]; then echo "Please set 'homeassistant_environment=' in /etc/rc.conf" && exit 1 fi # Check if the provided HA environment actually exists if [ ! -e ${homeassistant_environment}/bin/hass ]; then echo "Home Assistant script not found - please install Home Assistant" && exit 1 fi } # Custom status command adapted from: # https://github.com/tprelog/iocage-homeassistant/blob/master/overlay/usr/local/etc/rc.d/homeassistant status_cmd=${name}_status homeassistant_status() { local _http_ _ip_ if [ -n "${rc_pid}" ]; then : "${homeassistant_secure:="NO"}" # This is only a cosmetic variable - used by the status_cmd _ip_="$(ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p')" checkyesno homeassistant_secure && _http_="https" || _http_="http" echo "${name} is running as pid ${rc_pid}." echo "${_http_}://${_ip_}:${homeassistant_port:-"8123"}" # This is only a cosmetic variable ${homeassistant_environment}/bin/python --version ${homeassistant_environment}/bin/hass --version else echo "${name} is not running." return 1 fi } stop_cmd="${name}_stop" homeassistant_stop() { echo "Stopping PID: $(cat ${ppidfile})" /bin/kill -9 $(cat ${ppidfile}) echo "Stopping PID: $(cat ${pidfile})" /bin/kill -15 $(cat ${pidfile}) } run_rc_command "$1"