#!/usr/local/bin/python3.11 ##### BSD Cafe CheckMyIP Server ##### ##### Originally written by John W Kerns ##### ##### Forked to BSD Cafe by Stefano Marinelli ##### ##### https://brew.bsd.cafe/BSDCafe/checkmyip ##### ##### Inform version here ##### version = "v1.3.1" # Updated version ##### Import necessary modules ##### import os import sys import time import socket import json import jinja2 import paramiko import threading from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from dnslib import DNSRecord, DNSHeader, RR, TXT, QTYPE import logging # Use built-in logging module ##### Configure Logging ##### LOG_DIR = "/var/log/checkmyip/" os.makedirs(LOG_DIR, exist_ok=True) # General Logger logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s: %(message)s", handlers=[ logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(LOG_DIR, f"{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}_checkmyip.log")), logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ] ) # Paramiko Logger paramiko_log = os.path.join(LOG_DIR, f"{time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}_ssh.log") paramiko.util.log_to_file(paramiko_log) ##### Jinja formatting for logging queries ##### j2log = "Connection from: {{ ip }} ({{ port }}) ({{ proto }})" ##### Jinja formatting for response queries ##### j2send = """{ "comment": "## Your IP Address is {{ ip }} ({{ port }}) ##", "family": "{{ family }}", "ip": "{{ ip }}", "port": "{{ port }}", "protocol": "{{ proto }}", "version": "%s", "website": "https://brew.bsd.cafe/BSDCafe/checkmyip", "sponsor": "Served by BSD Cafe, https://bsd.cafe/" }""" % version ##### DNS Server Functionality ##### class DNSResponder: def __init__(self, address='::', port=5553): self.address = address self.port = port self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 0) # Enables dual-stack mode self.sock.bind((self.address, self.port)) def run(self): logging.info("DNS Server listening on port %s for both IPv4 and IPv6", self.port) while True: try: data, addr = self.sock.recvfrom(1024) threading.Thread(target=self.handle_query, args=(data, addr), daemon=True).start() except Exception as e: logging.error("DNS Server error: %s", e) def handle_query(self, data, addr): try: request = DNSRecord.parse(data) qname = request.q.qname qtype = request.q.qtype ip, port, *_ = addr # Get IP and port; ignore other details # Normalize IPv6 address (remove IPv4 mapping if exists) if ip.startswith("::ffff:"): ip = ip[7:] # Only respond to TXT queries for myip.bsd.cafe if qname.matchGlob('myip.bsd.cafe') and qtype == QTYPE.TXT: response = DNSRecord(DNSHeader(id=request.header.id, qr=1, aa=1, ra=1), q=request.q) response.add_answer(RR(qname, QTYPE.TXT, ttl=60, rdata=TXT(ip))) self.sock.sendto(response.pack(), addr) except Exception as e: logging.error("Error handling DNS query: %s", e) ##### Creates an RSA key for use by paramiko ##### class RSAKey: data = """-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIICWgIBAAKBgQDTj1bqB4WmayWNPB+8jVSYpZYk80Ujvj680pOTh2bORBjbIAyz oWGW+GUjzKxTiiPvVmxFgx5wdsFvF03v34lEVVhMpouqPAYQ15N37K/ir5XY+9m/ d8ufMCkjeXsQkKqFbAlQcnWMCRnOoPHS3I4vi6hmnDDeeYTSRvfLbW0fhwIBIwKB gBIiOqZYaoqbeD9OS9z2K9KR2atlTxGxOJPXiP4ESqP3NVScWNwyZ3NXHpyrJLa0 EbVtzsQhLn6rF+TzXnOlcipFvjsem3iYzCpuChfGQ6SovTcOjHV9z+hnpXvQ/fon soVRZY65wKnF7IAoUwTmJS9opqgrN6kRgCd3DASAMd1bAkEA96SBVWFt/fJBNJ9H tYnBKZGw0VeHOYmVYbvMSstssn8un+pQpUm9vlG/bp7Oxd/m+b9KWEh2xPfv6zqU avNwHwJBANqzGZa/EpzF4J8pGti7oIAPUIDGMtfIcmqNXVMckrmzQ2vTfqtkEZsA 4rE1IERRyiJQx6EJsz21wJmGV9WJQ5kCQQDwkS0uXqVdFzgHO6S++tjmjYcxwr3g H0CoFYSgbddOT6miqRskOQF3DZVkJT3kyuBgU2zKygz52ukQZMqxCb1fAkASvuTv qfpH87Qq5kQhNKdbbwbmd2NxlNabazPijWuphGTdW0VfJdWfklyS2Kr+iqrs/5wV HhathJt636Eg7oIjAkA8ht3MQ+XSl9yIJIS8gVpbPxSw5OMfw0PjVE7tBdQruiSc nvuQES5C9BMHjF39LZiGH1iLQy7FgdHyoP+eodI7 -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- """ def readlines(self): # For use by paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key return self.data.split("\n") def get_key(self): return paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key(self) ##### Imports and modifies the ServerInterface module for use by paramiko ##### class SSHServer(paramiko.ServerInterface): def __init__(self): self.event = threading.Event() def check_channel_request(self, kind, chanid): if kind == 'session': return paramiko.OPEN_SUCCEEDED return paramiko.OPEN_FAILED_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED def check_auth_none(self, username): return paramiko.AUTH_SUCCESSFUL def get_allowed_auths(self, username): return 'none' def check_channel_shell_request(self, channel): self.event.set() return True def check_channel_pty_request(self, channel, term, width, height, pixelwidth, pixelheight, modes): return True ##### Method to merge Jinja templates ##### def j2format(j2tmp, valdict): template = jinja2.Template(j2tmp) return template.render(valdict).replace("\n", "\r\n") ##### Cleans IP addresses coming from socket library ##### def cleanip(addr): ip, port = addr[:2] family = "ipv6" # Default to IPv6 if ip.startswith("::ffff:"): # Check if this is a prefixed IPv4 address ip = ip.replace("::ffff:", "") # Clean the IP family = "ipv4" elif ":" not in ip: # Simple check to recognize IPv4 family = "ipv4" return ip, port, family # Return cleaned IP and family ##### TCP listener methods using ThreadPoolExecutor for better thread management ##### def listener(port, talker, executor): listen_ip = '' listen_port = port buffer_size = 1024 while True: try: # Use AF_INET6 but also handle IPv4 connections sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IPV6, socket.IPV6_V6ONLY, 0) # Allow IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind((listen_ip, listen_port)) sock.listen(buffer_size) logging.info("Listening on port %s", listen_port) while True: client, addr = sock.accept() ip, port, family = cleanip(addr) # Get cleaned IP info including family valdict = {"ip": ip, "port": port, "family": family, "proto": ""} executor.submit(talker, client, valdict) # Submit to thread pool except Exception as e: logging.error("Listener on port %s encountered an error: %s", port, e) time.sleep(5) # Wait before retrying ##### Telnet responder method. Is run in own thread for each telnet query ##### def telnet_talker(client, valdict, proto="telnet"): try: valdict.update({"proto": proto}) # Add the protocol to the value dict logging.info(j2format(j2log, valdict)) # Log the query # Send the query response response = j2format(j2send, valdict) + "\n" client.sendall(response.encode()) except Exception as e: logging.error("Telnet talker error: %s", e) finally: client.close() # Ensure the socket is closed ##### SSH responder method. Gets run in own thread for each SSH query ##### def ssh_talker(client, valdict, proto="ssh"): try: def makefile(chan): # A hack to make SSH sessions work properly chan.makefile('rU').readline().strip('\r\n') valdict.update({"proto": proto}) logging.info(j2format(j2log, valdict)) t = paramiko.Transport(client) t.set_gss_host(socket.getfqdn("")) t.load_server_moduli() t.add_server_key(RSAKey().get_key()) # RSA key object server = SSHServer() t.start_server(server=server) chan = t.accept(20) if chan: if not server.event.wait(10): logging.warning("No shell request received.") chan.close() else: response = j2format(j2send, valdict) + "\n" chan.send(response) threading.Thread(target=makefile, args=(chan,), daemon=True).start() time.sleep(1) chan.close() except Exception as e: logging.error("SSH talker error: %s", e) finally: client.close() ##### HTTP responder method. Gets run in own thread for each HTTP query ##### def http_talker(client, valdict, proto="http"): try: time.sleep(0.1) # Allow client to send data client.settimeout(5.0) # Set timeout to prevent blocking indefinitely browser = False # Is the client using a browser? headers = {} try: data = client.recv(2048) # Receive data from the buffer (if any) if data: request_lines = data.decode().split('\r\n') for line in request_lines: if ": " in line: key, value = line.split(": ", 1) headers[key] = value # Extract real IP and adjust family based on headers if present if 'X-Real-IP' in headers or 'X-Forwarded-For' in headers: real_ip = headers.get('X-Real-IP', headers.get('X-Forwarded-For').split(',')[0]) ip, port, family = cleanip((real_ip, valdict['port'])) valdict.update({"ip": ip, "family": family}) browser = True # Set client browser to True except socket.timeout: browser = False # Set client browser to False except Exception as e: logging.error("HTTP talker recv error: %s", e) browser = False if not browser: # If the client is not a browser telnet_talker(client, valdict, "http-telnet") # Hand to telnet_talker else: # If client is a browser valdict.update({"proto": proto}) logging.info(j2format(j2log, valdict)) response_body_raw = j2format(j2send, valdict) + "\n" if request_lines and "/raw" in request_lines[0]: try: json_content = json.loads(response_body_raw) response_body_raw = json_content.get('ip', '') except json.JSONDecodeError: response_body_raw = "Invalid JSON response." response_headers_raw = ( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" f"Content-Length: {len(response_body_raw)}\r\n" "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8\r\n" "Connection: close\r\n\r\n" ) client.sendall(response_headers_raw.encode() + response_body_raw.encode()) except Exception as e: logging.error("HTTP talker error: %s", e) finally: client.close() # Ensure the socket is closed ##### Server startup method. Starts a listener thread for each TCP port ##### def start(): talkers = { 2222: ssh_talker, 2223: telnet_talker, 2280: http_talker } # Three listeners on different ports max_workers = 100 # Define maximum number of threads with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: for port, talker in talkers.items(): # Launch a thread for each listener threading.Thread(target=listener, args=(port, talker, executor), daemon=True).start() # Start DNS server in a new thread dns_server = DNSResponder(port=5553) # Assuming DNS is on port 5553 as per original code threading.Thread(target=dns_server.run, daemon=True).start() logging.info("All services started.") while True: # Keep the main thread alive try: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: logging.info("Shutting down server.") sys.exit(0) ##### Client class to be used to make API calls to CheckMyIP server ##### class CheckMyIP_Client: def __init__(self): self._json = json # Direct reference to json module self._socket = socket # Direct reference to socket module self._raw_data = None # Initialize the _raw_data variable self._data = None # Initialize the _data variable self._af = "auto" # Set the IP address family type to "auto" self.server = "telnetmyip.com" # Set the default CheckMyIP server def get(self): # Primary method to run IP check sock = None try: if self._af == "auto": # If we are using an auto address family try: # Try using IPv6 sock = self._socket.socket(self._socket.AF_INET6, self._socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((self.server, 23)) except: # Fall back to IPv4 if IPv6 fails sock = self._socket.socket(self._socket.AF_INET, self._socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((self.server, 23)) elif self._af == "ipv6": # If we are using the IPv6 address family sock = self._socket.socket(self._socket.AF_INET6, self._socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((self.server, 23)) elif self._af == "ipv4": # If we are using the IPv4 address family sock = self._socket.socket(self._socket.AF_INET, self._socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((self.server, 23)) self._raw_data = sock.recv(1024).decode() self._data = self._json.loads(self._raw_data) # Receive data from the buffer return self._data # Return the JSON data except Exception as e: logging.error("CheckMyIP_Client error: %s", e) return None finally: if sock: sock.close() # Ensure the socket is closed def set_family(self, family): # Method to set the IP address family allowed = ["auto", "ipv4", "ipv6"] # Allowed input values if family in allowed: self._af = family else: raise ValueError("Allowed families are 'auto', 'ipv4', 'ipv6'") ### CheckMyIP_Client Example Usage ### # client = CheckMyIP_Client() # data = client.get() # print(data) if __name__ == "__main__": start() # Start the server