.TH PORTZAP 1 "May 2023" "portzap 0.5.8" "User Commands" .SH NAME portzap - stay up to date with the HardenedBSD ports tree .SH SYNOPSIS .B portzap clone .br .B portzap pull .br .B portzap install .SH DESCRIPTION portzap is a utility designed to allow unprivileged users who are members of the .B _portzap group to create and update a transient copy of the ports tree, which can then be installed into the .B /usr/ports/ directory by root. .SH EXAMPLES .TP .B portzap clone Clones the ports tree into .B /home/_portzap/ports/. .TP .B portzap pull Pulls updates into .B /home/_portzap/ports/. .TP .B portzap install Installs .B /home/_portzap/ports/ into .B /usr/ports/. .SH AUTHORS The .B portzap utility and this manual page were written by 0x1eef <0x1eef@protonmail.com>