## About portzap is a simple bourne shell script that takes care of keeping up to date with the [HardenedBSD](https://hardenedbsd.org) ports collection. The [HardenedBSD ports collection](https://git.hardenedbsd.org/hardenedbsd/ports.git) is maintained as a git repository, and portzap allows the repository to be cloned (and updated) using a regular user account. The unpacking of the repository to `/usr/ports` is also supported but must be performed by root. ## Usage * **portzap clone**
This command should be run with a regular user account.
The command clones HardenedBSD's ports collection to `/tmp/ports`. * **portzap pull**
This command should be run with a regular user account.
The command updates an existing repository previously cloned with `portzap clone`. * **portzap unpack**
This command should be run as root.
The command copies `/tmp/ports` to `/usr/ports`. ## Sources * [Source code (GitHub)](https://github.com/0x1eef/portzap) * [Source code (GitLab)](https://gitlab.com/0x1eef/portzap)