## About bsdcapsicum.rb provides Ruby bindings for the [capsicum(4)](https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=capsicum&apropos=0&sektion=4&format=html) feature that's available on FreeBSD. ## Examples __Capability mode__ A process can enter into capability mode by calling [BSD::Capsicum.enter!](). After entering capability mode, the process has limited capabilities. See the [cap_enter(2)](https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=cap_enter&apropos=0&sektion=2&format=html) manual page for more details: ```ruby require "bsd/capsicum" print "In capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.in_capability_mode? ? "yes" : "no", "\n" print "Enter capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.enter! ? "ok" : "error", "\n" print "In capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.in_capability_mode? ? "yes" : "no", "\n" begin File.new(File::NULL) rescue Errno::ECAPMODE => ex print "Error: #{ex.message} (#{ex.class})", "\n" end ## # In capability mode: no # Enter capability mode: ok # In capability mode: yes # Error: Not permitted in capability mode @ rb_sysopen - /dev/null (Errno::ECAPMODE) ``` __IPC__ By spawning a child process and then entering capability mode, restrictions can be limited to a child process (and its child processes, if any). This can be helpful in an architecture where a parent process can spawn one or more child processes to handle certain tasks but with restrictions in place: ```ruby require "bsd/capsicum" print "[parent] In capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.in_capability_mode? ? "yes" : "no", "\n" fork do print "[subprocess] Enter capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.enter! ? "ok" : "error", "\n" print "[subprocess] In capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.in_capability_mode? ? "yes" : "no", "\n" print "[subprocess] Exit", "\n" exit 42 end Process.wait print "[parent] In capability mode: ", BSD::Capsicum.in_capability_mode? ? "yes" : "no", "\n" ## # [parent] In capability mode: no # [subprocess] Enter capability mode: ok # [subprocess] In capability mode: yes # [subprocess] Exit # [parent] In capability mode: no ``` ## Documentation A complete API reference is available at [0x1eef.github.io/x/bsdcapsicum.rb](https://0x1eef.github.io/x/bsdcapsicum.rb) ## Install bsdcapsicum.rb is available via rubygems.org: gem install bsdcapsicum.rb ## See also * [Freaky/ruby-capsicum](https://github.com/Freaky/ruby-capsicum)
bsdcapsicum.rb is a fork of this project. It was a huge help both in terms of code and documentation. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).