# frozen_string_literal: true module BSD end unless defined?(BSD) module BSD::Capsicum require_relative "capsicum/version" require_relative "capsicum/constants" require_relative "capsicum/ffi" extend self ## # Check if we're in capability mode # # @see https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=cap_getmode&apropos=0&sektion=2&format=html cap_getmode(2) # @raise [SystemCallError] # Might raise a subclass of SystemCallError # @return [Boolean] # Returns true when the current process is in capability mode def in_capability_mode? uintp = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(Fiddle::SIZEOF_UINT) if FFI.cap_getmode(uintp).zero? uintp[0, Fiddle::SIZEOF_UINT].unpack("i") == [1] else raise SystemCallError.new("cap_getmode", Fiddle.last_error) end ensure uintp.call_free end alias_method :capability_mode?, :in_capability_mode? ## # Enter a process into capability mode # # @see https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=cap_enter&apropos=0&sektion=2&format=html cap_enter(2) # @raise [SystemCallError] # Might raise a subclass of SystemCallError # @return [Boolean] # Returns true when successful def enter! FFI.cap_enter.zero? || raise(SystemCallError.new("cap_enter", Fiddle.last_error)) end alias_method :enter_capability_mode!, :enter! ## # Restrict the capabilities of a file descriptor # # @see https://man.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?query=cap_rights_limit&apropos=0&sektion=2&format=html cap_rights_limit(2) # @example # # Allow: READ, WRITE on standard output # BSD::Capsicum.set_rights!(STDOUT, [:CAP_READ, :CAP_WRITE]) # @raise [SystemCallError] # Might raise a subclass of SystemCallError # @param [#to_i] io # An IO object # @param [Array] rights # An allowed set of capabilities # @return [Boolean] # Returns true when successful def set_rights!(io, rights) voidp = FFI.cap_rights_init(*rights) FFI.cap_rights_limit(io.to_i, voidp).zero? || raise(SystemCallError.new("cap_rights_limit", Fiddle.last_error)) ensure voidp.call_free end end