## About This repository contains a statically compiled website for reading The Qur'an.
The website can be seen live at [https://al-quran.reflectslight.io](https://al-quran.reflectslight.io). ## Build the website The main components of the website's stack are: - Ruby v3.1.2+ - NodeJS v16.16.0+ - TypeScript - React Both Ruby, and NodeJS are left to the reader to install.
After installing Ruby, and NodeJS the website's dependencies can be installed: ``` $ ruby -S gem install bundler --no-document $ ruby -S bundle install $ npm i ``` The website can then be built by running: ``` $ ruby -S rake build ``` The above command will generate the static website in `./build/al-quran`. ## View the website The website can be viewed on localhost by running: ``` $ ruby -S rake server ``` The above command will call `rake build`, and afterwards start a web server running on `http://localhost:3000`. ## License This software is released into the Public Domain.