
This repository contains the source code of [al-quran.reflectslight.io](https://al-quran.reflectslight.io), a static website for reading The Quran. After the website is built, the build directory consists of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other static assets that can be hosted by a regular web server (eg nginx, apache, etc).

The stack

* Ruby 3.1, or later. * NodeJS v18.15, or later. * TypeScript

Local development

__1. Clone__ git clone https://github.com/ReflectsLight/al-quran.git cd al-quran __2. Install Ruby, and NodeJS packages__ bundle install npm i __3. Build website__ # Build once rake build # Build whenever a change is detected rake build:watch __4. Start server on localhost__ rake server


First and foremost, Alhamdulillah. * Thanks to the following graphic artists: * [/src/favicon.png](/src/favicon.png) by [Aficons](https://freeicons.io/profile/9247). * [/src/images/moon.svg](/src/images/moon.svg) by [Aficons](https://freeicons.io/profile/9247). * [/src/images/leaf.svg](/src/images/leaf.svg) by [Fasil](https://freeicons.io/profile/722). * [RefreshShape](/src/js/components/Shape.tsx) by [Muhammad Haq](https://freeicons.io/profile/823). * Thanks to the following translators: * English (The Clear Quran) by Dr. Mustafa Khattab