## # frozen_string_literal: true read_options = ->(env:) do path = File.join(Dir.getwd, "config", "#{env}.yml") Ryo.from(YAML.load_file(path)) end desc "Deploy the website" task "deploy", [:env] do |task, args| env = args[:env] case env when "remote" ENV["NODE_ENV"] = "production" Rake::Task["nanoc:clean"].invoke Rake::Task["nanoc:compile"].invoke Rake::Task["deploy:remote"].invoke when "local" Rake::Task["nanoc:compile"].invoke if Process.euid != 0 sh "doas -u root bundle exec rake deploy:local" exit $?.exitstatus end Rake::Task["deploy:local"].invoke end end task "deploy:local" do options = read_options.call(env: "local") logs_dir = File.dirname(options.nginx.logs.access) dest_dir = options.nginx.root chown = Array.new(2) { options.nginx.user }.join(":") sh "mkdir -p #{logs_dir}" sh "mkdir -p #{dest_dir}" sh "rm -rf #{File.join(dest_dir, "*")}" sh "cp -R build/al-quran/ #{dest_dir}" sh "chown -R #{chown} #{dest_dir}" sh "chmod -R og-rwx #{dest_dir}" sh "chmod -R u+rwX #{dest_dir}" end task "deploy:remote" do git_branch = `git branch --show-current`.chomp options = read_options.call(env: "remote") if git_branch != "production" warn "This task can only be run on the 'production' branch." exit(1) end print "Wait...", "\n" sh( "rsync", "--delete", "-rvah", "--chmod=Fu=rw,Fg=r,Du=rwx,Dg=rx", "--rsync-path='/home/0x1eef/rsync.sh'", "build/al-quran", options.deploy.uri ) end