[[1,"Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “It has been revealed to me that a group of jinn listened ˹to the Quran,˺ and said ˹to their fellow jinn˺: ‘Indeed, we have heard a wondrous recitation."],[2,"It leads to Right Guidance so we believed in it, and we will never associate anyone with our Lord ˹in worship˺."],[3,"˹Now, we believe that˺ our Lord—Exalted is His Majesty—has neither taken a mate nor offspring,"],[4,"and that the foolish of us used to utter ˹outrageous˺ falsehoods about Allah."],[5,"We certainly thought that humans and jinn would never speak lies about Allah."],[6,"And some men used to seek refuge with some jinn—so they increased each other in wickedness."],[7,"And those ˹humans˺ thought, just like you ˹jinn˺, that Allah would not resurrect anyone ˹for judgment˺."],[8,"˹Earlier˺ we tried to reach heaven ˹for news˺, only to find it filled with stern guards and shooting stars."],[9,"We used to take up positions there for eavesdropping, but whoever dares eavesdrop now will find a flare lying in wait for them."],[10,"Now, we have no clue whether evil is intended for those on earth, or their Lord intends for them what is right."],[11,"Among us are those who are righteous and those who are less so. We have been of different factions."],[12,"˹Now,˺ we truly know that we cannot frustrate Allah on earth, nor can we escape from Him ˹into heaven˺."],[13,"When we heard the guidance ˹of the Quran˺, we ˹readily˺ believed in it. For whoever believes in their Lord will have no fear of being denied ˹a reward˺ or wronged."],[14,"And among us are those who have submitted ˹to Allah˺ and those who are deviant. So ˹as for˺ those who submitted, it is they who have attained Right Guidance."],[15,"And as for the deviant, they will be fuel for Hell.’”"],[16,"Had the deniers followed the Right Way, We would have certainly granted them abundant rain to drink—"],[17,"as a test for them. And whoever turns away from the remembrance of their Lord will be admitted by Him into an overwhelming punishment."],[18,"The places of worship are ˹only˺ for Allah, so do not invoke anyone besides Him."],[19,"Yet when the servant of Allah stood up calling upon Him ˹alone˺, the pagans almost swarmed over him."],[20,"Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “I call only upon my Lord, associating none with Him ˹in worship˺.”"],[21,"Say, “It is not in my power to harm or benefit you.”"],[22,"Say, “No one can protect me from Allah ˹if I were to disobey Him˺, nor can I find any refuge other than Him."],[23,"˹My duty is˺ only to convey ˹the truth˺ from Allah and ˹deliver˺ His messages.” And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger will certainly be in the Fire of Hell, to stay there for ever and ever."],[24,"Only when they see what they have been threatened with will they know who is weaker in helpers and inferior in manpower."],[25,"Say, “I do not know if what you are promised is near or my Lord has set a distant time for it."],[26,"˹He is the˺ Knower of the unseen, disclosing none of it to anyone,"],[27,"except messengers of His choice. Then He appoints angel-guards before and behind them"],[28,"to ensure that the messengers fully deliver the messages of their Lord—though He ˹already˺ knows all about them, and keeps account of everything.”"]]