[[1,"Woe to the defrauders!"],[2,"Those who take full measure ˹when they buy˺ from people,"],[3,"but give less when they measure or weigh for buyers."],[4,"Do such people not think that they will be resurrected"],[5,"for a tremendous Day—"],[6,"the Day ˹all˺ people will stand before the Lord of all worlds?"],[7,"But no! The wicked are certainly bound for Sijjîn ˹in the depths of Hell˺—"],[8,"and what will make you realize what Sijjîn is?—"],[9,"a fate ˹already˺ sealed."],[10,"Woe on that Day to the deniers—"],[11,"those who deny Judgment Day!"],[12,"None would deny it except every evildoing transgressor."],[13,"Whenever Our revelations are recited to them, they say, “Ancient fables!”"],[14,"But no! In fact, their hearts have been stained by all ˹the evil˺ they used to commit!"],[15,"Undoubtedly, they will be sealed off from their Lord on that Day."],[16,"Moreover, they will surely burn in Hell,"],[17,"and then be told, “This is what you used to deny.”"],[18,"But no! The virtuous are certainly bound for ’Illiyûn ˹in elevated Gardens˺—"],[19,"and what will make you realize what ’Illiyûn is?—"],[20,"a fate ˹already˺ sealed,"],[21,"witnessed by those nearest ˹to Allah˺."],[22,"Surely the virtuous will be in bliss,"],[23,"˹seated˺ on ˹canopied˺ couches, gazing around."],[24,"You will recognize on their faces the glow of delight."],[25,"They will be given a drink of sealed, pure wine,"],[26,"whose last sip will smell like musk. So let whoever aspires to this strive ˹diligently˺."],[27,"And this drink’s flavour will come from Tasnîm—"],[28,"a spring from which those nearest ˹to Allah˺ will drink."],[29,"Indeed, the wicked used to laugh at the believers,"],[30,"wink to one another whenever they passed by,"],[31,"and muse ˹over these exploits˺ upon returning to their own people."],[32,"And when they saw the faithful, they would say, “These ˹people˺ are truly astray,”"],[33,"even though they were not sent as keepers over the believers."],[34,"But on that Day the believers will be laughing at the disbelievers,"],[35,"as they sit on ˹canopied˺ couches, looking on."],[36,"˹The believers will be asked,˺ “Have the disbelievers ˹not˺ been paid back for what they used to do?”"]]