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2024-08-27 15:22:06 +02:00
[[1,"Qãf. By the glorious Quran!"],[2,"˹All will be resurrected,˺ yet the deniers are astonished that a warner has come to them from among themselves ˹warning of resurrection˺. So the disbelievers say, “This is an astonishing thing!"],[3,"˹Will we be returned to life,˺ when we are dead and reduced to dust? Such a return is impossible.”"],[4,"We certainly know what the earth consumes of them ˹after their death˺, and with us is a well-preserved Record."],[5,"In fact, they reject the truth when it has come to them, so they are in a confused state. "],[6,"Have they not then looked at the sky above them: how We built it and adorned it ˹with stars˺, leaving it flawless?"],[7,"As for the earth, We spread it out and placed upon it firm mountains, and produced in it every type of pleasant plant—"],[8,"˹all as˺ an insight and a reminder to every servant who turns ˹to Allah˺."],[9,"And We send down blessed rain from the sky, bringing forth gardens and grains for harvest,"],[10,"and towering palm trees ˹loaded˺ with clustered fruit,"],[11,"˹as˺ a provision for ˹Our˺ servants. And with this ˹rain˺ We revive a lifeless land. Similar is the emergence ˹from the graves˺."],[12,"Before them, the people of Noah denied ˹the truth,˺ as did the people of the Water-pit, Thamûd,"],[13,"Ȃd, Pharaoh, the kinfolk of Lot,"],[14,"the residents of the Forest, and the people of Tubba. Each rejected ˹their˺ messenger, so My warning was fulfilled."],[15,"Were We incapable of creating ˹them˺ the first time? In fact, they are in doubt about ˹their˺ re-creation."],[16,"Indeed, ˹it is˺ We ˹Who˺ created humankind and ˹fully˺ know what their souls whisper to them, and We are closer to them than ˹their˺ jugular vein."],[17,"As the two recording-angels—˹one˺ sitting to the right, and ˹the other to˺ the left—note ˹everything˺,"],[18,"not a word does a person utter without having a ˹vigilant˺ observer ready ˹to write it down˺. "],[19,"˹Ultimately,˺ with the throes of death will come the truth. This is what you were trying to escape!"],[20,"And the Trumpet will be blown. This is the Day ˹you were˺ warned of."],[21,"Each soul will come forth with an angel to drive it and another to testify."],[22,"˹It will be said to the denier,˺ “You were totally heedless of this. Now We have lifted this veil of yours, so Today your sight is sharp!”"],[23,"And ones accompanying-angel will say, “Here is the record ready with me.”"],[24,"˹It will be said to both angels,˺ “Throw into Hell every stubborn disbeliever,"],[25,"withholder of good, transgressor, and doubter,"],[26,"who set up another god with Allah. So cast them into the severe punishment.”"],[27,"Ones ˹devilish˺ associate will say, “Our Lord! I did not make them transgress. Rather, they were far astray ˹on their own˺.”"],[28,"Allah will respond, “Do not dispute in My presence, since I had already given you a warning."],[29,"My Word cannot be changed, nor am I unjust to ˹My˺ creation.”"],[30,"˹Beware of˺ the Day We will ask Hell, “Are you full ˹yet˺?” And it will respond, “Are there any more?”"],[31,"And Paradise will be brought near to the righteous, not far off."],[32,"˹And it will be said to them,˺ “This is what you were promised, for whoever ˹constantly˺ turned ˹to Allah˺ and kept up ˹His commandments˺—"],[33,"who were in awe of the Most Compassionate without seeing ˹Him˺, and have come with a heart turning ˹only to Him˺."],[34,"Enter it in peace. This is the Day of eternal life!”"],[35,"There they will have whatever they desire, and with Us is ˹even˺ more. "],[36,"˹Imagine˺ how many peoples We destroyed before them, who were far mightier than them. Then ˹when the torment came,˺ they ˹desperately˺ sought refuge in the land. ˹But˺ was there any escape?"],[37,"Surely in this is a reminder for whoever has a ˹mindful˺ heart and lends an attentive ear."],[38,"Indeed, We created the heavens and the earth and everything in between in six Days, and We were not ˹even