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2024-08-27 15:22:06 +02:00
[[1,"˹This is˺ a sûrah which We have revealed and made ˹its rulings˺ obligatory, and revealed in it clear commandments so that you may be mindful."],[2,"As for female and male fornicators, give each of them one hundred lashes, and do not let pity for them make you lenient in ˹enforcing˺ the law of Allah, if you ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a number of believers witness their punishment."],[3,"A male fornicator would only marry a female fornicator or idolatress. And a female fornicator would only be married to a fornicator or idolater. This is ˹all˺ forbidden to the believers."],[4,"Those who accuse chaste women ˹of adultery˺ and fail to produce four witnesses, give them eighty lashes ˹each˺. And do not ever accept any testimony from them—for they are indeed the rebellious—"],[5,"except those who repent afterwards and mend their ways, then surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful."],[6,"And those who accuse their wives ˹of adultery˺ but have no witness except themselves, the accuser must testify, swearing four times by Allah that he is telling the truth,"],[7,"and a fifth oath that Allah may condemn him if he is lying."],[8,"For her to be spared the punishment, she must swear four times by Allah that he is telling a lie,"],[9,"and a fifth oath that Allah may be displeased with her if he is telling the truth."],[10,"˹You would have suffered,˺ had it not been for Allahs grace and mercy upon you, and had Allah not been Accepting of Repentance, All-Wise."],[11,"Indeed, those who came up with that ˹outrageous˺ slander are a group of you. Do not think this is bad for you. Rather, it is good for you. They will be punished, each according to their share of the sin. As for their mastermind, he will suffer a tremendous punishment."],[12,"If only the believing men and women had thought well of one another, when you heard this ˹rumour˺, and said, “This is clearly ˹an outrageous˺ slander!”"],[13,"Why did they not produce four witnesses? Now, since they have failed to produce witnesses, they are ˹truly˺ liars in the sight of Allah."],[14,"Had it not been for Allahs grace and mercy upon you in this world and the Hereafter, you would have certainly been touched with a tremendous punishment for what you plunged into—"],[15,"when you passed it from one tongue to the other, and said with your mouths what you had no knowledge of, taking it lightly while it is ˹extremely˺ serious in the sight of Allah."],[16,"If only you had said upon hearing it, “How can we speak about such a thing! Glory be to You ˹O Lord˺! This is a heinous slander!”"],[17,"Allah forbids you from ever doing something like this again, if you are ˹true˺ believers."],[18,"And Allah makes ˹His˺ commandments clear to you, for Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise."],[19,"Indeed, those who love to see indecency spread among the believers will suffer a painful punishment in this life and the Hereafter. Allah knows and you do not know."],[20,"˹You would have suffered,˺ had it not been for Allahs grace and mercy upon you, and had Allah not been Ever Gracious, Most Merciful."],[21,"O believers! Do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Whoever follows Satans footsteps, then ˹let them know that˺ he surely bids ˹all to˺ immorality and wickedness. Had it not been for Allahs grace and mercy upon you, none of you would have ever been purified. But Allah purifies whoever He wills. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing."],[22,"Do not let the people of virtue and affluence among you swear to suspend donations to their relatives, the needy, and the emigrants in the cause of Allah. Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not love to be forgiven by Allah? And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "],[23,"Surely those who accuse chaste, unsuspecting, believing women are cursed in this life and the Hereafter. And they will suffer a tremendous punishment"],[24,"on the Day their tongues, hands, and feet will testify against them for what they used to do."],[25,"On that Day, Allah will give them their just pen