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2024-08-27 15:22:06 +02:00
[[1,"Ṭâ-Sĩn-Mĩm."],[2,"These are the verses of the clear Book."],[3,"Perhaps you ˹O Prophet˺ will grieve yourself to death over their disbelief."],[4,"If We willed, We could send down upon them a ˹compelling˺ sign from the heavens, leaving their necks bent in ˹utter˺ submission to it."],[5,"Whatever new reminder comes to them from the Most Compassionate, they always turn away from it."],[6,"They have certainly denied ˹the truth˺, so they will soon face the consequences of their ridicule."],[7,"Have they failed to look at the earth, ˹to see˺ how many types of fine plants We have caused to grow in it?"],[8,"Surely in this is a sign. Yet most of them would not believe."],[9,"And your Lord is certainly the Almighty, Most Merciful."],[10,"˹Remember˺ when your Lord called out to Moses, “Go to the wrongdoing people—"],[11,"the people of Pharaoh. Will they not fear ˹Allah˺?”"],[12,"He replied, “My Lord! I fear that they will reject me."],[13,"And ˹so˺ my heart will be broken and my tongue will be tied. So send Aaron along ˹as a messenger˺."],[14,"Also, they have a charge against me, so I fear they may kill me.”"],[15,"Allah responded, “Certainly not! So go, both of you, with Our signs. We will be with you, listening."],[16,"Go to Pharaoh and say, We are messengers from the Lord of all worlds,"],[17,"˹commanded to say:˺ Let the Children of Israel go with us.’’”"],[18,"Pharaoh protested, “Did we not raise you among us as a child, and you stayed several years of your life in our care?"],[19,"Then you did what you did, being ˹utterly˺ ungrateful!”"],[20,"Moses replied, “I did it then, lacking guidance."],[21,"So I fled from you when I feared you. Then my Lord granted me wisdom and made me one of the messengers."],[22,"How can that be a favour, of which you remind me, when ˹it was only because˺ you ˹have˺ enslaved the Children of Israel?”"],[23,"Pharaoh asked, “And what is the Lord of all worlds?”"],[24,"Moses replied, “˹He is˺ the Lord of the heavens and the earth and everything in between, if only you had sure faith.”"],[25,"Pharaoh said to those around him, “Did you hear ˹what he said˺?”"],[26,"Moses added, “˹He is˺ your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers.”"],[27,"Pharaoh said ˹mockingly˺, “Your messenger, who has been sent to you, must be insane.”"],[28,"Moses responded: “˹He is˺ the Lord of the east and west, and everything in between, if only you had any sense.”"],[29,"Pharaoh threatened, “If you take any other god besides me, I will certainly have you imprisoned.”"],[30,"Moses responded, “Even if I bring you a clear proof?”"],[31,"Pharaoh demanded, “Bring it then, if what you say is true.”"],[32,"So he threw down his staff and—behold!—it became a real snake."],[33,"Then he drew his hand ˹out of his collar˺ and it was ˹shining˺ white for all to see."],[34,"Pharaoh said to the chiefs around him, “He is indeed a skilled magician,"],[35,"who seeks to drive you from your land by his magic. So what do you propose?”"],[36,"They replied, “Let him and his brother wait and dispatch mobilizers to all cities"],[37,"to bring you every skilled magician.”"],[38,"So the magicians were assembled at the set time on the appointed day."],[39,"And the people were asked, “Will you join the gathering,"],[40,"so that we may follow the magicians if they prevail?”"],[41,"When the magicians came, they asked Pharaoh, “Shall we have a ˹suitable˺ reward if we prevail?”"],[42,"He replied, “Yes, and you will then certainly be among those closest to me.”"],[43,"Moses said to them, “Cast whatever you wish to cast.”"],[44,"So they cast down their ropes and staffs, saying, “By Pharaohs might, it is we who will surely prevail.”"],[45,"Then Moses threw down his staff, and—behold!—it devoured the objects of their illusion!"],[46,"So the magicians fell down, prostrating."],[47,"They declared, “We ˹now˺ believe in the Lord of all worlds—"],[48,"the Lord of Moses and Aaron.”"],[49,"Pharaoh t