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2024-08-27 15:22:06 +02:00
[[1,"Ṭâ-Hâ."],[2,"We have not revealed the Quran to you ˹O Prophet˺ to cause you distress,"],[3,"but as a reminder to those in awe ˹of Allah˺."],[4,"˹It is˺ a revelation from the One Who created the earth and the high heavens—"],[5,"the Most Compassionate, ˹Who is˺ established on the Throne."],[6,"To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth and whatever is in between and whatever is underground."],[7,"Whether you speak openly ˹or not˺, He certainly knows what is secret and what is even more hidden."],[8,"Allah—there is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him. He has the Most Beautiful Names."],[9,"Has the story of Moses reached you ˹O Prophet˺?"],[10,"When he saw a fire, he said to his family, “Wait here, ˹for˺ I have spotted a fire. Perhaps I can bring you a torch from it, or find some guidance at the fire.”"],[11,"But when he approached it, he was called, “O Moses!"],[12,"It is truly I. I am your Lord! So take off your sandals, for you are in the sacred valley of Ṭuwa."],[13,"I have chosen you, so listen to what is revealed:"],[14,"It is truly I. I am Allah! There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Me. So worship Me ˹alone˺, and establish prayer for My remembrance."],[15,"The Hour is sure to come. My Will is to keep it hidden, so that every soul may be rewarded according to their efforts."],[16,"So do not let those who disbelieve in it and follow their desires distract you from it, or you will be doomed.’”"],[17,"˹Allah added,˺ “And what is that in your right hand, O  Moses?”"],[18,"He replied, “It is my staff! I lean on it, and with it I beat down ˹branches˺ for my sheep, and have other uses for it.”"],[19,"Allah said, “Throw it down, O  Moses!”"],[20,"So he did, then—behold!—it became a serpent, slithering."],[21,"Allah said, “Take it, and have no fear. We will return it to its former state."],[22,"And put your hand under your armpit, it will come out ˹shining˺ white, unblemished, as another sign,"],[23,"so that We may show you some of Our greatest signs."],[24,"Go to Pharaoh, for he has truly transgressed ˹all bounds˺.”"],[25,"Moses prayed, “My Lord! Uplift my heart for me,"],[26,"and make my task easy,"],[27,"and remove the impediment from my tongue"],[28,"so people may understand my speech,"],[29,"and grant me a helper from my family,"],[30,"Aaron, my brother."],[31,"Strengthen me through him,"],[32,"and let him share my task,"],[33,"so that we may glorify You much"],[34,"and remember You much,"],[35,"for truly You have ˹always˺ been overseeing us.”"],[36,"Allah responded, “All that you requested has been granted, O  Moses!"],[37,"And surely We had shown You favour before,"],[38,"when We inspired your mother with this:"],[39,"Put him into a chest, then put it into the river. The river will wash it ashore, and he will be taken by ˹Pharaoh,˺ an enemy of Mine and his. And I blessed you with lovability from Me ˹O Moses˺ so that you would be brought up under My ˹watchful˺ Eye."],[40,"˹Remember˺ when your sister came along and proposed, Shall I direct you to someone who will nurse him? So We reunited you with your mother so that her heart would be put at ease, and she would not grieve. ˹Later˺ you killed a man ˹by mistake˺, but We saved you from sorrow, as well as other tests We put you through. Then you stayed for a number of years among the people of Midian. Then you came here as pre-destined, O  Moses!"],[41,"And I have selected you for My service."],[42,"Go forth, you and your brother, with My signs and never falter in remembering Me."],[43,"Go, both of you, to Pharaoh, for he has truly transgressed ˹all bounds˺."],[44,"Speak to him gently, so perhaps he may be mindful ˹of Me˺ or fearful ˹of My punishment˺.”"],[45,"They both pleaded, “Our Lord! We fear that he may be quick to harm us or act tyrannically.”"],[46,"Allah reassured ˹them˺, “Have no fear! I am with you, hearing and seeing."],[47,"So go to him and say, Indeed we are both messengers from your Lord, so