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2024-08-27 15:22:06 +02:00
[[1,"Indeed, We sent Noah to his people ˹saying to him˺, “Warn your people before a painful punishment comes to them.”"],[2,"Noah proclaimed, “O my people! I am truly sent to you with a clear warning:"],[3,"worship Allah ˹alone˺, fear Him, and obey me."],[4,"He will forgive your sins, and delay your end until the appointed time. Indeed, when the time set by Allah comes, it cannot be delayed, if only you knew!”"],[5,"He cried, “My Lord! I have surely called my people day and night,"],[6,"but my calls only made them run farther away."],[7,"And whenever I invite them to be forgiven by You, they press their fingers into their ears, cover themselves with their clothes, persist ˹in denial˺, and act very arrogantly."],[8,"Then I certainly called them openly,"],[9,"then I surely preached to them publicly and privately,"],[10,"saying, Seek your Lords forgiveness, ˹for˺ He is truly Most Forgiving."],[11,"He will shower you with abundant rain,"],[12,"supply you with wealth and children, and give you gardens as well as rivers."],[13,"What is the matter with you that you are not in awe of the Majesty of Allah,"],[14,"when He truly created you in stages ˹of development˺?"],[15,"Do you not see how Allah created seven heavens, one above the other,"],[16,"placing the moon within them as a ˹reflected˺ light, and the sun as a ˹radiant˺ lamp?"],[17,"Allah ˹alone˺ caused you to grow from the earth like a plant."],[18,"Then He will return you to it, and then simply bring you forth ˹again˺."],[19,"And Allah ˹alone˺ spread out the earth for you"],[20,"to walk along its spacious pathways.’”"],[21,"˹Eventually,˺ Noah cried, “My Lord! They have certainly persisted in disobeying me, and followed ˹instead˺ those ˹elite˺ whose ˹abundant˺ wealth and children only increase them in loss,"],[22,"and who have devised a tremendous plot,"],[23,"urging ˹their followers˺, Do not abandon your idols—especially Wadd, Suwâ, Yaghûth, Yaûq, and Nasr."],[24,"Those ˹elite˺ have already led many astray. So ˹O Lord˺, only allow the wrongdoers to stray farther away.”"],[25,"So because of their sins, they were drowned, then admitted into the Fire. And they found none to help them against Allah."],[26,"Noah had prayed, “My Lord! Do not leave a single disbeliever on earth."],[27,"For if You spare ˹any of˺ them, they will certainly mislead Your servants, and give birth only to ˹wicked˺ sinners, staunch disbelievers."],[28,"My Lord! Forgive me, my parents, and whoever enters my house in faith, and ˹all˺ believing men and women. And increase the wrongdoers only in destruction.”"]]